Dyslexia Dynamics: A Virtual Conference for Moms and Dads features 16 sessions designed to give parents and caregivers of children with dyslexia information and tools to support their children. The live event is over, but on-demand access to the session recordings is available!
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Dyslexia Dynamics - 16 Sessions
Each session is 45 minutes to 1 hour. Click the plus sign for session descriptions.
This session provides an overview of the federal law which governs 504 plans for students with disabilities, as well as information on how this law is typically implemented in Iowa. Common problems that parents encounter will be reviewed along with advocacy tips for parents. Presented by Katie Greving.
In this session Katie Greving and Kara Wishman answer questions Iowa parents submitted about IEPs, 504s and advocating at school.
Assistive technology frequently plays a vital role in the success of a student with dyslexia. There are key areas where we should look to fortify our student's learning with technological solutions, and there is a plethora of software available to help them accomplish their goals. Understanding what can be done can be overwhelming in fast-moving IT environments. This session will talk through AT for 5th grade and younger - what is helpful, what should be avoided, and where and how to find the resources you need. Presented by Nina Lorimor-Easley.
Assistive technology frequently plays a vital role in the success of a student with dyslexia. There are key areas where we should look to fortify our student's learning with technological solutions, and there is a plethora of software available to help them accomplish their goals. Understanding what can be done can be overwhelming in fast-moving IT environments. This session will talk through AT for 6th grade and older - what is helpful, what should be avoided, and where and how to find the resources you need.
Participants in this session will learn the main components of structured literacy and balanced literacy. Come find out what the science of reading is, what research supports, and which teaching practices are recommended for students with dyslexia. Presented by Sue Brandt.
There is great concern about the impact that disrupted schooling has had on students’ literacy learning over the past 2 years. This session will present data on students’ reading and writing performance to help explain the nature of the concerns about which students may have experienced what kinds of consequences to their literacy development. The information will then be connected to the identification of learning disabilities. Implications for schools will be discussed. Presented by Dr. Deborah Reed.
This session will cover general information about dyslexia. Participants will learn what dyslexia is, myths and facts about dyslexia, and helpful accommodations, and how to know if a classroom is dyslexia friendly. A take- away for parents will be empowering your child to love reading again. Presented by Sue Brandt.
Participants will be able to understand the difference between a comprehensive psychological/neuropsychological evaluation versus other types of evaluations for dyslexia. They will learn what questions to ask the evaluator in order to make an informed decision in choosing an evaluator. In addition, participants will learn about the general evaluation process, including tests frequently given and limitations of evaluations. Presented by Dr. Jill Burkley.
Part II is a more in depth look into the tests given during a comprehensive psychological/neuropsychological evaluation and the purpose for each test. Working memory, processing speed, attention, anxiety, and depression will be discussed in regard to how they impact and are impacted by Dyslexia. Participants will be able to describe why it can be difficult to make the dyslexia diagnosis. Presented by Dr. Jill Burkley.
The session will offer information on Iowa's homeschooling laws, curriculum choices and accommodations for dyslexia, and grace and encouragement. Parents will learn about the options for homeschooling in the state of Iowa along with recommendations for survival when the days seem long and the years seem short. Presented by Mindy VanZuiden.
When students with dyslexia are in the special education system it can be a challenge to draft goals that are beneficial, measurable, and can be agreed upon by all parties. This session will include background information on what a goal should be comprised of and common goal areas for students with dyslexia. We will also discuss ideas and resources for writing effective goals. Presented by Nina Lorimor-Easley.
Language is a huge part of our lives, a part that we often take for granted. When language is hard, it can take a toll on students, parents, and families. This session will take time to unpack some of the big emotions that can accompany language weaknesses like dyslexia. Presented by Nina Lorimor-Easley.
This session will explain how the federal special education law (IDEA) is implemented in Iowa. Iowa's special education processes and procedures will be reviewed, with a focus on parent rights throughout the process. Attendees will learn about important documents and websites to utilize when advocating for their children. Presented by Katie Greving.
This session will discuss this six pillars of the federal law which governs special education in the United States - the Individuals with Disabilites in Education Act (IDEA). Attendees will learn the foundational concepts and requirements of the IDEA as well as how to learn more about this important law. Presented by Katie Greving.
Participants will walk through the process of discussing dyslexia with their child. These conversations help develop positive socio-emotional learning and self-advocacy skills. Presented by Sue Brandt.
This session offers information and advice for how to communicate with your school about your child's dyslexia. Topics covered include how to respond to statements schools may make about dyslexia, school meeting tips, and the best ways to make requests from your school. Presented by Mindy VanZuiden.